Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners
The Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners encourage and maintain high standards of practice and integrity in the environmental cleaning and associated industries. We promote and support education and training, research projects and charities.
We are one of 111 Livery companies in the City of London and follow many City traditions, including supporting the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty. Our members represent companies who between them, employ more than one million people in the cleaning, building services and waste management industries.
On top of our livery and charitable activities, we founded the Chartered Practitioners Register as a means of recognising and maintaining high standards and ongoing proficiency for individuals in the industry.
Charitable Trust
The Trust was established to:
- Provide financial support to those engaged in cleaning in industry, commerce and public service.
- Fund further education and training in connection with the industry.
- Benefit other charitable institutions.
About Us
Find out more about The Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners and our activities.